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Thursday, April 12, 2012

As a spoiled child

There was a time in my life when I was a spoiled child. I do not accept what life was offering me. Yes, she gave me bad things. Pain, suffering, anguish, injustice. And you can ask me, "but nobody wants it to your life! You were not a spoiled child." So let me explain why this title.I spent almost all my life serving God's house. My hopes and ambitions were to kingdom of God and all I did was to glorify him. But the long walk and my feet hurt on the way, people appeared to judge me, criticize and be unfair to me. Instead of giving me water, gave me vinegar. Instead of love, gave me indifference. So, I blamed God. I thought if God was really God, He would not allow certain things had happened to me. Besides having lost my father early, at age 15, I felt alone and unhappy. Even so, I went ahead. The pain continued, the pain too, agústia seemed to be something permanent. That's when I said to God: "I think you are not real. I spent my entire life serving you, but I have seen only indifference on his part. Why do not you heal my father? Why allow people to me hate and are unfair to me without my having done anything? No, no ... I'm wrong, always have been. There is no God. "I wanted God to do something for me, I wanted him to defend me and make everything different, because I thought I deserved something better to suffer and suffer.As a spoiled child, I turned away from God. I did not use drugs, do not prostitute, do not wander the streets. But darkness reached my heart. Inside I challenged God. I laughed sneered, talking to myself and said, "God will not do anything, I know it will not." And I was right. He did nothing. People who hurt me I do not apologize. Others who have been unjust to me were not called me or my house to discuss the injustice done against me.Friends who have not forgotten me again remember me. And God did not speak to me of how I would like to speak, nor touched me the way I hoped he touched. So I became skeptical. I thought I had more important things to do to eliminate hunger, improve education, fight against AIDS in favor of using amebiente. Those things were my god for a while and I thought that religion was a way that society has created to contain the people. I joined in my life philosophical, reason and science became my world and the spirit of God was no longer important to me.Taking part in cultural groups, chat and meet different people, hear new songs, new thinkers of this generation and generations past, watch old movies, discussing social and political issues, part of cultural events .... For a long time it was important to me. I confess that for a long time since I've missed God. No! I was surrounded by intellectual friends, interesting and intelligent people who could talk all about what I liked and often treated me better than my brothers treated me when I went to church. Think about books and university was the most common thing that I thought in my head. There was no room for God, only for myself and for my questions. But one day, I missed my calling. Those things were cool (and I like them so far), but not fulfillment. I realized that they had a shelf life, my life boiled down to think and think ... No more feeling, just thinking. But God, the God whom I deeply loved and whom I gave my all, I have not forgotten. Gradually, God was sending people who were faithful servants of God. My math teacher was once an atheist and became pastor. He was the most skeptical person that may have become Christian. And his intelligence beyond the limits rasoáveis. And he told me: "You're here because God wants something from you." Sometime later, I met a friend whom I love today. Extremely intelligent, she argued about everything that I liked but she returned to discuss everything to God. Wow! It was exactly what I wanted. But I let God, as a spoiled girl, hoping that he would meet me. I was tired of going to meet God. Of having to kneel down and cry for him I really wanted is that He rescued me and changed my life again! I wanted to go back to church, but wanted to stand firm in His house forever. But I was walking in circles. I was afraid I could not live that life again. Gradually, I was opening my heart to the words. Then, for The Word. So occasionally I read the bible ... Boy, was so strange to me! It seemed that I had never done that before and at the same time, I felt a great familiarity with the Bible because I already knew well. Gradually the word was sown and I actually was afraid of how my back would be to God. I was afraid of God to let me down again (it was so I thought). Until I got back. In fact, I avoided any long contact with Christian people because they would tell me about "truth and salvation," and the chat, I knew very well. But actually, I had so great a respect for Christians and did not want to talk to them because, in this respect because I was afraid of being influenced by them again. After all, for me religion was part of only one type of social organization in order to control people. History, for a long time, was to explain much in my life. And when I saw the evidence of transformation in people's lives I said, "Cool. Glad it worked for him. I do not want that for me, today I think differently and not come back earlier."My soul was really crying out to God to come and do a miracle suddenly! He came to meet me and talk to me and encouraged me, gave me visions. In time, He came and spoke to me. I remember like today. I was dry, not create more miracles and wonders, does not create more in a relationship with a living God. Over time, with my return home, God revealed to me that Jesus also was disappointed with him I thought, "What? Jesus? No, this is not possible." But when Jesus was on the cross, He said: "Father, why have you forsaken me." Jesus expected that his Father would treat it otherwise, He would come, and that would make the rescue a "sudden miracle" that He might suffer the way he suffered. Who spit in Jesus was not asking for forgiveness to Him Who gave him vinegar to drink, be redeemed by giving water as a request for forgiveness. Who humiliated and treated in the most unfair was not recant. Soon, I realized that if I went through everything Jesus went through, I was chosen by God, He had me as his adopted daughter. If I went through the same Jesus and Jesus is the son of God, then, I was the daughter of the Father of Eternity. Finally, I realized that the tribulations that I was nothing but God's approval and recognition that I was his daughter. The devil has blinded me, but God brought me to the light again.

And remember: all things work together for good to them that love God.

With love, Chris.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


What comes to mind when we think of healing? Usually we think of diseases, problems that were solved physiological order. It is a long time in my Christian walk I believed that it was healing. But the cure is much greater than this. According the World Health Organisation, being healthy means to be healthy, stable in all areas of your life: financial, social and physiological. So I think we can begin our conversation. I spent these last months without writing anything. I went through the darkest moment of a writer (writer's block) when you can not write anything. But I see that it was not just a lock, but a healing process. Who is being healed of a problem, need to be reclusive and at rest. Is not that what happens to the diseases we have in our body? The same happens with the "disease" of the spiritual order. When we are being treated by God, we are alone or surrounded only people closer. The hospital? His name is called Desert. In this hospital we have received all God's provision, where everyone away and only the doctor of doctors provides your miracle. Today, I left the desert and now I'm writing again. And then you ask me: "What was your illness?" and I answer: "fear, insecurity and mistrust." Yes, Christian faithful also feel pain and disappointments, also spiritually sick. The big difference is in how we face it and take the medicine correctly. Maybe this time you ask: "What remedy that cured you?". You know, I do not know exactly what were the remedies. But I know some of them.One of the remedies was love. I felt loved and understood in my weakness. The other choice was confrontation. This remedy hurts a lot, several side effects but it is an excellent mechanism for those who need to be cured. And who prescribed me these drugs may be the last question. Yes, who prescribed me was Jesus of Nazareth. Maybe you've read this post so unpretentious, no one wants to know what steps you should follow. Just wanted to tell you can not walk very far when we are sick. We need to be healthy, full of faith and hope and the word of God (our defense system) stored in our hearts. The disease prevents us from achieving greater things and so many of us can not move forward and reach the journey's end.Besides being sick, it is difficult when we do not have water. But Jesus said that anyone who drinks of this water (H20) thirst. But whoever drinks the water of life, will never again be thirsty.Maybe you never imagined it would be like talking to God, but trust me: It is real. Talk to him, tell his problems and take a new step. Read the bible and keep the word in your heart. Jesus is the great physician, He wants to heal you.
With love, Chris.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gospel is not catechism, is love.

Maybe not yet know as he ought to evangelize. Maybe, if you want to learn to live as we ought. Frankly, we may not know anything about living the true gospel. Much of what we learned was not with Jesus but with past generations who had no experience with him

Religion has been a stumbling block for Christians around the world. Many go to church and want to know what they are doing. Many do not know what it means to a relationship with God and this has catechized more people for Jesus. Yes! Because when we do not live the true gospel, not when we deny ourselves and not have a relationship with God, we are not winning souls to Jesus and yes, evangelizing them and thus trapping them. Because this is exactly what religions have done throughout history (and culturally we have repeated). These people deeply marked, killed innocent people persecuted in order to unify a culture or assert their own interests. The concept of religion, to me, is much more than a registered church with several members who visit often without knowing what they do. Religion is when we do things out of habit or because we have been taught well and is part of our culture. Jesus is what we need in our culture! Love, peace, transformation and above all salvation must be our way of life, must become a lifestyle and realize the most important Atit we do every day. That's what we bring to the people of this world. However, religion has prevented further advance and many believers had conquered the world for Christ because of its conventions, especially when he says that "we are not part of this world." Because of this, we have lost rich opportunities to show the world that an honest life under the direction of Jesus is true! Jesus is not a way for people to feel good and find peace within yourself, only. This is also very important, but Jesus came not to make people feel good, but to bring salvation to them. Salvation is far beyond the threat that you "go to hell if we do not accept him as savior." Salvation is for anyone who wants a friend, Lord and Father is to those who humbly acknowledge that, despite their talents and their stories of perfect or imperfect, they need Jesus. It is part of the divine plan that will hate us because of the truths about the nations prophesied. But to be hated because we have a relationship with God and we know not evangelize, it is our fault. If we do not know how to bring people to Jesus, we must learn from Him and His word. Jesus is real and if we preach it, so we live it too. The truth will always be true everywhere we go and if he is the truth, He will be witnessed by us in accordance with the truth that we live. People do not believe anything that is confusing and uncertain. If we want to Jesus, we must have our lives on the altar that he may be glorified in us and through us.

We are revolutionaries and we are at this moment in history and God chose us for this, let us do our part. Gospel is not catechism, is love.

With all my love, Chris.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Roller Coaster

Similarly, our life with God is like a roller coaster ride. However, for us it is often easier to ride a carousel because we feel more stability and we have everything in our control in a peaceful walk but not so much fun!

We are children of a powerful and creative God who does new things all the time. This sometimes makes us think that He is God a "super busy" all the time, but in fact he also teaches us with boredom. At one point, the roller coaster seems a bit dull and "adrenaline" but suddenly something happens that we do not expect. Sometimes we can scare us or just have fun. This "instability" brings us right now is fear and that God teaches us to trust more in His sovereignty. Thus, our constraints do not allow us to see that because we are created in the image and likeness of the Father, we test all the time so that we have shaped our character. Perhaps our greatest difficulty is to deliver everything we have and what are the Lord. This requires self-denial and self-denial always hurts. I do not know what part of the roller coaster is your life. Maybe she's on the dull that no adrenaline or "nothing new" happens. Or maybe it is down the highest peak and you do not know if it will hold because so many mixed emotions. But despite all this confusion, I can testify that the loving God I know is on your side rooting for you to grow with difficulties, with the scares, with the monotony, and a mixture of emotions. Let Him be your seat belt.

With all my love, Chris.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Touching Heaven, Change the World

Change requires effort. And courage. We are in a society that requires change, but is accommodated. Requires peace, comfort, happiness, security, but does nothing to make it reality for all people who are part of your world. Often we want to change the world but do nothing to change our personal world. So the concept of change becomes a utopian end, far from reality and intangible.

There was one, however, that was a true revolutionary who changed the world of people, encouraging them and showing them the truth. Jesus was the greatest change agent of all time. Its influence on people had nothing to do with intellectuals, political or economic influence. But I was completely linked to private and very intimate relationship with His Father, He touched the sky with their worship and the service it provided to its people. In Jesus performed many miracles such as multiplying the loaves and fishes, He physically before feeding the hungry, fed them first epiritualmente. That it is clearly a man who cared about the depth and not with s superficiality. That took care of people in all areas of their lives.

We as children of God and joint heirs with Christ, we need to touch the sky to change the world. The changes will not happen just by the strength of our arms. But just as Jesus said, the works that will hold florificarão the Father in heaven. The works themselves do not supply all needs. But when together to love and justice take the gospel to people, they will forever miss them and no supplies. In Jesus name, I encourage you to make a decision to be a change agent, to be influential in their world. Decide to be a reference, not for you to be glorified, but that Our God is seen through you. You may not have a clue how to do this. But I know He wants you to touch the sky and change the world through the love of Jesus. Not through our love, because it is flawed, limited and finite. But when we see through Jesus, He uses us to be his witnesses here and change this world. Whatever your world, you can change it.