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Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas: Choose.

When we think of Christmas, remember the first word that perhaps the redemption, because through the birth of Jesus we have access to our Father as true sons. But this Christmas, in particular, what struck me was the word choice. The Bible says that the cross was already known before the foundation of the world. Thus, The Lord knew that his son would be killed for the redemption of mankind. Father risked for us. He gave us full freedom to make choices. And gave us the freedom to make the best choice: to be by his side, and being treated like children.

The choice came before the redemption. Because in truth, the Lord has chosen to love us. The Lord has chosen, instead of treating us like babies or robots, as He chose us to be: Free! He chose to give us eternal life but just want to give it to children who CHOOSE TO BE WITH HIM. Jesus chose to obey the father. Chose to die. He chose to save humanity. And the most important lesson that needs noting is that in the Lord, despite His power and authority, the right to be free to CHOOSE. He chose us. But we also need to choose our Father is a relationship where we always give less because of our failures, but the relationship needs to be truthful with us and dad.

The choice we made that day when the Lord decided it would be the center of our life to make sense until the end of our journey. My sincere prayer is that we see the father as a loving father and thirsty for giving us the best and do the best for us. Our choice to be with Him is the best choice. And finally we shall see Him as "Prepare the way of the Lord," Isaiah said ... That is what we do. But to see him the choice must be made. And we've done ours.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Transplante now!

It's amazing how many things they have memorized over the life! Our brain keeps things we do not even know that there is stored. The Father created us just to perfection and excellence! Glory to God for He has been endowed with intelligence and have distributed so many talents that are developed with our mind.

But we have used this capability very badly, unfortunately. We guarded events, words, people who have wronged us. Like the attic debris guard, we saved a little love and mercy, and much hatred and unforgiveness. Instead of letting ourselves be used by God, we have ceased to be used by the wounds of life, contempt, pain and indifference. And instead of fighting it, we have saved and buried alive within us all. Instead of a heart, we have an attic that holds rubbish, things that are often forgotten but alive inside the house that can be used again at any moment, according to the need of the house.

God wants to take away our hearts of stone and give a heart of flesh, as it did with the disciple Peter. Peter was rude, unfriendly and no manners with people. He was known for being rude and violent. But he decided to replace the old attic by a heart of flesh that feels, who loves, lives and serve God and people. And so, he lived according to the will of the Father, in faith and love. He lived to serve the people of God. He lived to preach the gospel, because his heart was inflamed by the truths of the gospel. But this only happened when he decided to surrender your attic to the God who takes care of hearts destroyed and full of bad things. We all go through that and this is perhaps our biggest struggle: to forgive and forget. But we must be the church that we are called to be: pure and immaculate. And our God will be with us and transform us from glory to glory, in His perfect time, that He may be glorified through us and through us.

My prayer today is that God will change your feelings making you sensitive to him, his people and the lost. May you have a new heart and begin to feel as he feels, walk as He walks, talking as he speaks, think as He thinks ... That is our desire to be like the Lord, who despite not being human, has a heart of flesh, a heart that feels deeply our pains and loves us so overwhelming. So he gets the transplant now!

May God bless you this day.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

It Started with Love.

It all started with love. When the earth was formless and empty, the Father said, "let there be light." The extravagant love of the Lord created all life forms, with all colors and sizes. But the extravagance of God's love became even more evident when He created us. He loved us so much that left their children take care of your project: The Earth.

But man sinned. Chosen to be sin son of God, where would be free of temptation and pain. God still loved him. Put him out of heaven, but given the conditions necessary to support themselves through work. Cain slew Abel. But God loved his creation anyway. His children have become corrupt. But God still has chance to redeem his people. Noah used to warn about the great flood ... No one heard him. God was angry, yet God loved us and made us a promise that will never destroy the earth with water again. Love the Lord brought us the rainbow as a reminder of his allegiance to us, his children and the masterpiece of God's creation. Time passed, generations have passed ... God was present in history all the time. And history shows the revelation of God's grace in human life. When we thought the Lord's love was big enough, he surprised us by sending Jesus of Nazareth. And when we thought it was already far enough and could go where God for our sake, He surprised us once more: He gave His son to die as a lamb in our place.

The grace and mercy are clear demonstrations of God's love for his children, they are just an extension of God's love. They are also the very love of God. In fact, there is nothing we can do that He loves us more, not love us less. There is absolutely nothing that changes the greatness of Him. It is rich in love, something that we as humans, even though children are unable to understand. He weeps with the pain. And that's not metaphorical. This is real. He really loves us intensely. It is high in sensitivity (note the nature, the arts, music!). And we have learned to be insensitive because the world exhales insensitivity and selfishness. But our dear Lord is absolutely sensitive and rich in love.

My wish is that you change your gaze on the Father loves us so intensely that even a couple in love is like the love sincere, intense and fancy leaving the heart of God.

You love the God of truth, because the only thing he wants from you is your true love. If you've heard about Jesus and knows the gospel and is a church but never felt such intense love and never gave his real life to Jesus, accept it with all my heart and making a sincere prayer asking the Lord to show you the path that pleases Him and if you do not know and not know how to meet him, say these words: "Lord, do not know you and I have no idea how to do this. I do not know what words I use, and I feel like a fool for asking you to talk to me ... I know nothing about and to Your guess there's no one who has a love like this. But I want to know you and really want to know the size of this love. I need to know this and change their lives radically. I fear I am doing to give my life to you because I have never done this before, but I want to give me a chance to know Your true love. I pray that from today and talk to me if the real show me, proving that You are real. I give my life to you, help me for me to continue serving you and understand more deeply the Thy gospel. I ask the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen. "

Know Jesus, honey. He is the greatest source of love and peace which the world can know. He alone has words of eternal life and we can only rely on it for real, because He is truth itself. "I am the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).♥

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Great are Thy Honours, Oh God!

How great is our God ... I have no words to describe it! How great are His deeds and His wonders! How Great are His works in all creation and in our lives! Hallelujah! What a powerful and creative God! I am so delighted to contemplate God's greatness and yet so simple. The universe explodes in color! The planet is so incredible, so full of variety ...  It seems that the greatness of our God Himself does not fit .. In every simple thing to do, is the largest to smallest, what he does is extremely powerful and excellence! As God is exciting! To instead of complaining, we choose to do this: to exalt the greatness of the Lord, the wonders and Your perfect plan for each of us. Often do not understand the course of our life and we say that our history was marked by pain only. But before the greatness of our God, our history and all our shame, problems and sorrows did obeisance to the Lord Almighty! Choose to praise the Lord! Choose a garden to admire the starry sky to observe, and you certainly do not see anyone tell you that the Lord is the God of the Universe! Hallelujah! I feel like dancing with the truth, do you?! I feel like jumping when I see it and declare that Our God is great ... And this is a genuine worship in which we ask anything and only give praise and thank the Lord for His faithfulness and beauty. Do not be ashamed of his dad, my brother. Dance! Dance, dance, dance before the Lord! Jump for joy! Shout to the Lord all the inhabitants of the earth! Look at the stars, to the sea, the technology created by human hands and see how ultrageneroso is the Lord and from that see incredible plan He has for your life.

I want to invite me to dance for joy ... Regardless of the circumstances, love and worship the Lord! Dance, sing! He deserves it.He deserves our passion.♥

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Power of Prayer

To date have not met a weapon as powerful as prayer, fasting, cry, praise ... All of them together are forms of prayer are the arms firm and strong in God.
I once saw the testimony of a child of six who had her mother murdered by her own father. This babe knew Jesus and with Him, also knew the pardon. Then she began to pray for his father who had murdered his mother. He began to pray that he repented and threw his life at the feet of the Lord, repenting of sins to be saved and have a full life with God as she had at age 6. She said the father was saved, repented of having murdered his wife, and soon the Lord took him away. This child was without father or mother, but she said: "I do not mind not having them with me. I know that the Lord cares for me and now I know that my father has repented and is fine." Even an orphan, she glorified God.
I mean, honestly, I did not know what to write this blog today. But the Lord led me to write about prayer. Maybe we are tired of the fights and we think that our prayer does not exceed even the roof of our house. Or maybe, we believe that we are not that important to God. But God has given us powerful weapons of prayer and a pure heart, a broken and contrite to the Throne of the Lord comes with a soft and pleasant smell. I am very happy to know that the Lord supplies our needs and that through prayer, there are also freed in the Throne of God where there is healing, restoration, liberation and all manner of blessings for those who love Him with extravagance and profundity.
We can talk with the Lord and be drawn to do good, to separate from sin and believe in him so powerfully as this child.

My prayer is that we can become like this child and rely fully on the plans and the power of our God.
May God richly bless your life.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Where we place our happiness?

It is very common for someone to ask ourselves whether we are happy. And we often say yes. We say this often on impulse or to satisfy the society. Or consumerism because it forces us to be happy.A generation of iPods, computers, drive-thru mall certainly has every reason to be happy. A world that preaches the open, without compromise or alliance, a company that cares about the immediacy, with the passenger. A society that cares little deeper into roots and values. In fact, we lose ourselves in our engineering. We created so many things to be happy, but we have lost our way. We have directed our attention to the futility and speed. In fact, happiness also has to be immediate!
Often, we have replaced the place that is only the Lord and His place we occupied with other things. And we have been wounded because of our motivations wrong about things that are so limited and fallible as we are. Why always like to take the chance? Why have we chosen to put our expectations and our happiness on things that certainly will fail? We as a church we've been wrong on our part, because many of us have committed ourselves only with the worship and not to God's worship, with the ministry and not with the God who created the ministry, with family and not with the God who created the family, with friends and not with the God who gave us his friends,with the call and not with the God who made the call.  We have taken the value of the hands of the Creator and value attributed to the creature. We have taken the arm strength of God and given strength to our arm fallible. Oh, how we like our chances! As we like to change things for the dubious right! Woe to us if not for the amazing grace of our beloved Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately, we have put our hope in things and people. We have forgotten or never if you want to remember that only worth living for a cause: the cause of Jesus of Nazareth. This cause is true, and it brings felcidade yes, because this question is no depth. The gospel of Jesus preaches the healing. And that is exactly what brings happiness of man. The emotional healing, physical healing, healing in relaciomentos. The healing of Jesus Christ is the truth. Jesus is the truth and lie where there is no happiness.

Let us now put our hope and our trust in Jesus Christ. He alone is truth, therefore, in Him there is only one source springing up to eternal life and happiness.

With love.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Danger of Sucess

Many of us may think, "even though we are Christians. We're free of it." But actually, we're so successful as to the vunerable a toddler.

I see success as a real weakness. And the weakness indicates vulnerability. But, very different than you think so, fame comes with a certain air of arrogance and excessive high confidence clearly showing a heart full of pain and bitterness. And a bitter heart can react in two ways: Either that encloses the heart and if you feel the worst on earth or feels superior to all wishing success to show the world its power.

But, we Christians? In what area have been attacked about our competence? Satan creates a sense of self-sufficiency and superiority that makes many of us fall into traps (often because they have spent little time with God and we have known little of his character). Would you have been highly praised because of its excellent pastoral ministry? Or for being a good wife? Or the best son of the family? Or to have the best and most beautiful family in the neighborhood? Being a good leader in your church, your job? It is natural to happen, but it's not normal if we are agreeing with our self-sufficiency and ability to do something. God does not seek competent for their work. He is seeking sincere worshipers, have a pure heart and broken. His talent is not what draws attention from God, but his heart because this is only what he wants from you. Our success does not matter for the Our Father What about delivering our success in God's hands and use our "fame" to make it known in every nation on earth? This is a challenge I have faced and also encourage you to leave it all behind and decide on a path of obedience and love for the Lord Jesus Christ.

He alone is the Star that shines most in his life.
With love, Chris.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Test of Time

All the promises of the Lord pass the test of time. We want to accelerate, we receive the promises at the time that is convenient and not in the Lord's time. It's always like this ... Cry to God to give us everything we promised soon.

But often it involves our relationship with God. We begin to live because of the promises and not because we love God. The promises that were once the background, become the means of God we meet and start to worship him because we need him to "speed up the time for us." How dangerous is human nature ...

My prayer is that we have more patience and we worship not only by what he does but by what He is.
God bless your life and that He will deliver His promises in His time.

I searched for a doll ... I thought GOD

It started with one store and the search for a doll ...

I do not know if it's easy or difficult to dispose of some things of the past, but I know it hurts. I saw my life pass between teddy bears, dolls and music boxes in my cupboard. There, I cried (not ashamed of it) and thanked the Lord for mercy and His faithfulness in my life all these years. I figured that getting rid of some things would be easy. But, my parents used to save many things about me ... They kept up my exams and primary activities of the second series! My parents were (my father and my mother was still is) my true fans. You know, I think if they could, would keep all my respect. I remember they kept my first tooth (as they valued the simple things in life !)... If I could take these memories with me to all parts of the world, certainly, I would. But it's great to see the Lord's faithfulness in my life and the lives of my parents, even without being able to take all this with me everywhere I go ... I confess that I write this post so thrilled with the gifts of the Lord in my life. I was very happy with my parents in my childhood, my adolescence and now with my mom.

Recently, my grandmother told me about the desire that my great-grandmother, mother, my grandmother must have a doll. Now she wants a doll anyway! Haha! So I took my best doll and one that had saved ... It stays the same! Brand new! I arranged all the dolls, I improved some things that were destroyed because of the time and now I'm waiting for my grandmother returning from trip to present her with the doll! She'll be happy too! Uhulll! LOL

As my grandmother, my mother's mother, will present her with a table that my dad gave me that was painted by hand. He is very special to me as well as all the gifts my father gave me. But that picture is gorgeous! I present her with him.

With this arrangement, God taught me that everything has its time. And we need to use it as intensely as we can. I was anxious that some promises of God and some situations that are beyond my control, I realized that everything has its time. And how good is being a child ... toys, party, chocolate, candy ... This is how we must live. Free, happy and trusting that our God will give us everything we need.

Before concluding, I mean that there are some things I'll try to take with me wherever I go. One is the Bible study of my father. I want my generation knows the bible of a great man of God that changed his sphere of influence through the love of people, no one wants to have well-known name on television. I also want to take my music box (a bunny kisses the face of her boyfriend rabbit as the hours pass and play soft music), photos ... And if you can, I bring with me two little book of stories! I remember telling my mother every day and the story of Little Red Riding Hood Cinderla every day! Haha! And when she finished the story, I said, "Mom says again." When I was already asleep, I listened to my father's voice or the sound of it at home ... So I ran over my mother's (she lay with me telling stories) and ran to see my father. Haha! So there went all the effort from my mother to put me to sleep! Hahahaha!

Well, I'm very happy because today I am 22 years and even today I see the mercies of God on my life. Thank you, Lord. Thou art a God of history and now I understand why you said: "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." Thou art the God of the generations. Thou art the Lord of History.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Potters's Hand

How hard it is to be cast even if it is the Lord. Yes we love the Lord, but when He wants to shape and change in the image and likeness, it hurts. Just as a potter who takes away the rocks and dirt from the mud so he can work on it, the Lord takes away everything that does not please His heart. In pottery, the clay was wrongly done and it was not taken away the impurities, will fire when he ends up breaking down and leaving marks and defects in other vessels that were perfect.

Often we do not want to change that habit and that we simply justify the error that is just silly. We criticize our brother with the same mouth that blesses. It is ... so are we! But what good he is perfect and that He is our reference. My prayer is that we are more passionate about our God and less religious. May we be nicer to people, their customs and cultures instead of criticizing them and reject them.
Below a video of which Hillsong is awesome! Watch and let you shape the potter and remove its impurities. :) With love, Chris.

Being transformed from glory to glory

Faced with so much corruption and immorality, our greatest enemy has created illusions in society. One is illusion to say YES to Jesus.

But Jesus is saying yes to say yes to a life with him is to say yes to a life of relationship, delivery and renunciation of self. It's not just open our lips and declare this in a meeting, before a beautiful song or a great preacher. Living a life with Jesus is not from backstage and on stage. We know more about Jesus when we are alone with Him and when we decided to make him part of all parts of our lives.
When we decide we want to be processed daily in His image and likeness. When we decided to radicalize and being misunderstood by the world because of our attitudes that reveal the glory of God in us. Being a Christian goes beyond words. And that is why we can not intimidate us. Need we say that Jesus is real and show who He is through our life. Being a Christian, for me, is synonymous with strength and love.

Paul Washer, a great American preacher, warned Christians about this. I confess that when I saw this video, reassess my attitudes. I know it will touch your heart too much and this is my prayer that you are still sleeping, wake up. Jesus of Nazareth wants to have a meeting with you.


Teaching and Learning

Teaching is always an adventure. But when it comes to teaching teens the adventure is bigger! Because adolescents are dreamers ... Sometimes I even forget that I was one of them one day! (And I is not even that long ago haha!).

It's very interesting how they're curious. They want to know about everything and everyone and at the same time do not care so much like us adults. They are also very easy target in the hands of Satan and so we are always advising and teaching them the best choices that a young Christian should take. Always try to teach in their language and always bringing the day-to-day, after all, the gospel is not outdated but it's something we have to develop every day. The gospel is alive!

I have learned a lot from them, especially over time. How time flies! And as teenagers are intense! But over time I have learned that we must use it wisely and as we can. And teenagers are so intense and live every situation, every story, every fight, every trip like it was the last time in my life. Frankly, they live more in line with the Bible than we adults. The Bible says that we live today. We must not look back with remorse or pain, much less put our hopes in the future. Our hope must be signed in the Lord and we must live every day believing that tomorrow our God will provide. That is truly a great lesson.

May you grow with God's love revolution. God bless your life.


Contrary to one-way street.

Almost ten years ago I was baptized in the waters. I remember very well and this experience is very important for me to remember it, it was from that moment I began to have a busy life with God.
When immersed in those waters, I felt lighter ... Like I was a true leaf. He could not say what I felt, I just know how to cry. And after much crying, I realized I wanted to cry for the rest of life. Ah ... How good was crying! I felt I was important to God and that He was important to me. So I started to pick it up relentlessly. I sang, prayed, fasted, danced in the presence of God ... That was when I first got interested about spiritual matters and realized how much I needed to keep it holy. A girl of 13 years, which until then was only interested in clothes and shoes and lived only linked to the circumstances, began to lose interest in these subjects and no longer look at the circumstances, but for the supernatural. Actually, I was walking in the opposite direction.
In fact, it began to bother people around me and also my friends. I remember I only approach people who had committed to God. Sometimes or another, I tried to go back to living with a group of teenagers from my church and sometimes wanted to be like them, walk and dress like them. But time passed and I realized that God wanted to use me as an instrument and from there I started to want to look more like Jesus. Often go wrong, errors teenager who lives worrying about what your group of friends going about their attitudes. But was I really was walking in the opposite direction. And I no longer accepted by most to be like before all I wanted (and many times, I confess, I tried to go back to being a carefree teenager with the things of God, for my change bothered by myself!).

Thus, after almost ten years, and long before I had realized that being Christian is to be a true revolutionary. First Jesus revolutionizes our interior and does so with a perfectly amazing! He then directs us to change the world through the transformation that was made on us. Being a Christian is to walk in the opposite direction all the time. It's being held against their wishes, be against the sin of the world ... Being a Christian confronts and often disturbing because our human nature is accustomed to comfort, not confrontation. Jesus is the truth. And the truth confronts the lies of this world. The truth is in us and therefore we are always in the opposite direction. Always. But this must be like for his name be glorified throughout the earth.

Proverbs 14:12: Is there a way that seems right to man but it ends in death.

With love ♥.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

God, roses and butterflies? What is that?

What is that? Its is a heart of a girl. It is growing. And with it, grows roses and rises butterflies. And He also never stops growing in your life.
This blogs talks about a girl grew how in the ways of the Lord and she also grew up with dreams of girl. She dreamed with roses and butterflies.
She is a Girl on the outside, revolutionary women inside. It's a revolutions in the sense of the change and not revolt. Revolution for peace and not war. Someone who cares about the things of God but also with inports with roses and butterflies. It is poetry. It is life.
And Jesus is the poetry that brings meaning to life. He is the reason why, to stop the madness and wisdown do not believe. He is poetry itself. Poetry that lives in every look, every life lost. And the lives that He died and there is no greater of love thant this. He is the most passionate of lovers. I do not exactly who I am, but I know that Jesus is. And that btings me to lifeand makes me want to take this river of live with me so that all my know.

God Bless You. Chris.