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Sunday, August 8, 2010

God, roses and butterflies? What is that?

What is that? Its is a heart of a girl. It is growing. And with it, grows roses and rises butterflies. And He also never stops growing in your life.
This blogs talks about a girl grew how in the ways of the Lord and she also grew up with dreams of girl. She dreamed with roses and butterflies.
She is a Girl on the outside, revolutionary women inside. It's a revolutions in the sense of the change and not revolt. Revolution for peace and not war. Someone who cares about the things of God but also with inports with roses and butterflies. It is poetry. It is life.
And Jesus is the poetry that brings meaning to life. He is the reason why, to stop the madness and wisdown do not believe. He is poetry itself. Poetry that lives in every look, every life lost. And the lives that He died and there is no greater of love thant this. He is the most passionate of lovers. I do not exactly who I am, but I know that Jesus is. And that btings me to lifeand makes me want to take this river of live with me so that all my know.

God Bless You. Chris.